Privacy Policy

The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic

This privacy policy provides clarity on the definition of personal data, the kinds of personal data we gather, why we collect this data, and how we process it, along with outlining your rights concerning this data. We assure you that we handle your personal data attentively and responsibly.

Understanding Personal Data

Personal data encompasses any information that can identify a person, either directly or indirectly. This could include details like your contact information, internet browsing history, or clinical records.

Fundamental Principles for Personal Data Processing at The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic

Our commitment to processing your personal data is guided by the following principles:

  • Personal data is collected strictly for well-defined, explicit, and legitimate reasons.
  • The collection of personal data is limited to what is essential for achieving these purposes.
  • Personal data will be used solely for the reasons it was gathered, unless otherwise mentioned in this document, or with your prior consent.
  • Personal data will not be shared with third parties, except as outlined in this document, or with your prior consent.

We continually strive to keep personal data current and encourage you to periodically review and update your information.

We implement robust technical and organizational measures to safeguard your personal data from accidental or illegal destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized exposure or access, and other illegal processing activities.

We store personal data no longer than necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, for subsequent processing, or as required by law.

Types of Personal Data We Collect and Process

We may gather and handle the following types of information about you:

We adhere to the following principles when processing your personal data:

Information You Provide

You have the option to share information with us in several ways. This can be done by filling out forms on our website, completing questionnaires we provide, or through other forms of communication such as phone calls or emails. Such information includes but is not limited to details you provide when you sign up on our website, subscribe to updates, seek or receive psychiatric consultation and psychological therapy via our platform, engage in our website’s social media features, take part in surveys, or report any issues related to our site. The types of information you may provide include your name, address, email address, phone number, financial and credit card details, personal description, and medical history.

Information Collected Automatically During Your Visits

Each time you visit our website, we automatically gather certain types of data, which include:

Technical Data: This encompasses the Internet Protocol (IP) address your computer uses to connect to the Internet, details of your login, the type and version of your browser, your time zone settings, the types and versions of browser plug-ins, as well as your operating system and the platform you use.

Behavioural Information Gathered Through Cookies and Similar Technologies

We collect data on your interactions and behaviours through the use of cookies, pixels, tags, and other similar technologies. This helps us remember your preferences, understand your usage of our website and apps, and tailor our marketing strategies. The collected data includes:

Detailed information about your website visit, such as the complete Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream leading to, within, and exiting from our site, along with the timestamps.

Records of the pages you visit or the searches you conduct on our site.

Metrics related to page responsiveness, including download errors and the time spent on specific pages.

Interaction data, which covers actions like scrolling, clicking, and mouse movements over the page.

The ways you navigate away from a page and any contact numbers used to reach our customer service.

Information Obtained from External Sources

We may acquire information about you from various third-party entities with whom we maintain close collaborations. This includes, but is not limited to, data from medical professionals, business associates, subcontractors involved in technical aspects, payment processing, and delivery services, as well as from providers of analytics and search information.

Usage of Data from Questionnaires and Collected Data

We utilize the data you provide through questionnaires primarily for auditing and service evaluation. To ensure privacy, this data is anonymized, ensuring no identifiable information is disclosed outside of our clinic. We analyze this information collectively, merging client data in a way that individual identification is not possible. This process aids in identifying overall patterns and trends, assessing how effectively our clinic is achieving its goals, and identifying areas for improvement in our standard of care.

Utilization of Your Personal Data

We process the personal data collected from you in several ways:

The data you provide: This is used to fulfill our commitments under contracts with you, especially for psychiatric consultations and psychological therapy, and to deliver the services and information you request.

We use this data to inform you about other similar services we offer that might align with your previous interests or inquiries.

For our existing clients, we communicate via electronic means like email or SMS to provide information about services akin to what you’ve previously received or shown interest in.

We’ll keep you updated on any changes to our services.

This data also helps us optimize our website content for the best user experience on your computer.

Additionally, we use the collected data to:

Manage and improve our website, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, and for statistical and survey purposes.

Enhance the effectiveness of our website’s content for both you and your computer.

Enable your participation in the interactive aspects of our services, as per your choices.

Maintain the security and integrity of our website.

Understand and measure the impact of our marketing efforts, tailoring marketing specifically for you and others.

Offer recommendations and suggestions to you and other site users about products or services that might be of interest.

Information Acquired from External Sources

We might integrate the data obtained from other sources with the information you provide and the data we collect about you. This combined data may be utilized for the purposes mentioned earlier.

Storage and Processing of Your Personal Data

Generally, we store and process your personal data within the European Economic Area (EEA). However, there might be instances where our staff or those of our suppliers, located outside the EEA, handle this data. This could include tasks like processing your payment information. When you submit your personal data to us, you consent to this transfer, storage, or processing. Should there be a need to transfer your personal data to countries outside the EEA, as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we ensure adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, along with the necessary legal and security measures, prior to such transfer.

All the data you share with us is securely saved on our servers. We ensure that any payment transactions are encrypted for your safety. In cases where we have provided you with a password for accessing specific sections of our website, it is your responsibility to maintain its confidentiality. We strongly advise against sharing this password with anyone else.

It is important to note that transmitting information over the internet is inherently not completely secure. While we make every effort to safeguard your personal data, we cannot assure absolute security for the data transmitted to our website; therefore, any data transmission is done at your own risk. Upon receiving your information, we employ stringent protocols and robust security measures in an attempt to prevent unauthorized access.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data to Third Parties

Our primary objective in collecting and processing data is to enhance or support the services and offerings of The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic. We adhere to a strict policy of not selling your personal data or sharing it with third parties, except as specifically outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data to External Parties

Your personal data may be shared with third parties if mandated by law, court orders, or directives from authoritative public entities, particularly for law enforcement purposes. Furthermore, we might share your personal data with certain third-party entities as follows:

We may share your personal data with medical and psychological therapy professionals as part of fulfilling our contractual obligations to you, including the provision of psychiatric consultations, psychological therapy, nutritional therapy, and nursing services.

Additionally, your personal data may be provided to third-party service providers working on our behalf. These providers assist in various functions, including billing, sales, marketing, IT support, advertising, analytics, research, customer service, data storage, validation, security, fraud prevention, payment processing, and legal services. While these third-party vendors have access to your data to perform these services, they are strictly prohibited from using your personal data for any other purposes.

We may also disclose your personal data to third parties for the following reasons:

To establish, exercise, or defend the legal rights of The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic.

To third parties in scenarios such as mergers, sales, joint ventures, assignments, transfers, or any other dealings involving all or part of The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic’s assets or stock, including but not limited to situations related to bankruptcy or similar proceedings.

To other third parties, but only with your explicit consent.

In any event where your personal data is disclosed to third parties, we take all necessary measures to ensure that these parties adhere to confidentiality and privacy obligations regarding the protection of your personal data. Our disclosure practices are in strict compliance with legal standards, including the establishment of data processing agreements with these third parties. This ensures that your personal data is processed solely according to our directives, applicable laws and regulations, the purposes we have outlined, and under adequate security measures.

The duration for which we retain your personal data is strictly limited to the period necessary for the purposes for which it was initially collected. This retention period varies based on the specific purposes for which the data is used.

For data associated with our services, we store and process it for a period of five years following the last date of service provided. However, this data may be retained for longer if it is being legitimately used for other purposes, such as offering you personal benefits or tailored direct marketing (subject to your consent), or for the pursuit of our legal claims, where retaining this information is deemed necessary.

Personal data utilized for direct marketing purposes is retained for three years from the date of your last interaction with our marketing communications or your last expression of interest in such communications.

Data related to your usage of our applications is kept for three years from the date of your last active use of the apps.

Once these specified periods lapse, the relevant personal information will be deleted, unless there is a legitimate and legal basis to retain and process the data for other purposes.

Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies

We employ cookies, pixels, tags, and other similar identifiers for various purposes, including remembering your preferences, understanding how you use our website(s) and app(s), and tailoring our marketing efforts.

A cookie is a small text file placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit our site. It allows us to recognize your device, store your preferences and settings, track your visits to, enhance your user experience by providing content and advertising that align with your interests, conduct searches and analytics, and support security and administrative functions. Some cookies reside in your browser cache, while others related to Flash technologies are saved within your Adobe Flash Player files.

Pixels are minuscule electronic tags embedded in websites, online advertisements, and emails. They serve to collect usage data such as advertisement impressions, clicks, and email open rates, evaluate the effectiveness of advertising, and interact with user cookies.

Adoption of New Technologies and Cookie Management

As we incorporate new technologies, our methods for gathering information may evolve. It’s important to be aware that you have the option to modify your settings to either receive notifications when a cookie is set or updated, or to block cookies entirely.

For detailed guidance, please refer to the “Help” section of your web browser. Additionally, the management of Flash technologies, including Flash cookies and local storage objects, can be controlled using the Flash management tools available on Adobe’s website. Be mindful that blocking, disabling, or managing cookies in certain ways might restrict your access to some functionalities or services on our websites or apps. For instance, accepting cookies from our site(s) is essential for completing purchases on our website(s).

Data Processing Responsibility

Mr. Shazlee Ahsan with ICO Registration No and located at Suite 202 18-22 St Peters Churchyard, Derby, DE1 1NN, serves as the data controller at The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic. He is responsible for managing the processing of your personal data.

Your Rights Regarding Personal Data

Access and Portability of Personal Data: You have the right to access your personal data, which you’ve provided to The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. Additionally, you can transmit this data to any third party of your choice.

Updating or Deleting Personal Data:

We encourage you to keep your personal data up-to-date and inform us of any changes.

Your personal data can be removed from our servers, except in cases where we’re required by law to maintain and process the information, even if you withdraw consent.

Upon your request to delete your personal data, we will remove it without unnecessary delay. Note that complete deletion from our backup systems may take up to two months.

For reviewing, updating, or deleting your stored personal data, you can contact The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic directly (refer to section 18 for contact details). We will need to verify your identity before granting access or making changes to your data.

Withdrawal of Consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any point if certain processing activities of The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic are based on it. Withdrawing your consent will not impact the legality of any processing that took place before your withdrawal.

Upon withdrawing your consent, both The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic and any third parties involved in the processing of your personal data will stop this processing. This is unless continued processing or storage of your data is still permitted or required under relevant personal data legislation or other legal regulations. It’s important to understand that withdrawing your consent may result in The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic being unable to fulfill your requests or provide certain services to you.

Rights to Restrict Processing and Object

Right to Restrict Processing:

You are entitled to request a restriction on the processing of your personal data under certain conditions. These include scenarios where the accuracy of the data is in question, if the processing is unlawful, if you oppose the deletion of your data despite The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic not needing it for processing purposes, or if you require the data for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

This right also applies while it is being determined whether The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic’s legitimate grounds for processing override your interests after you have objected to processing. For detailed contact information, please refer to section 18.

Right to Object:

You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data, especially when it is done for legitimate interests pursued by The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic, such as providing relevant therapy materials, facilitating future bookings, or for analytical and statistical purposes regarding the use of our services. For further details, see section 18.

Additionally, you can object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. This can be done by opting out via the unsubscribe link found at the bottom of our marketing communications.

Rights to Limit Processing and to Object

Limiting Processing of Your Data:

You are entitled to request a limitation on the processing of your personal data in certain situations. These include cases where the accuracy of the data is contested, if the processing is unlawful, if you challenge the deletion of your data while The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic doesn’t need it for processing, or if you need the data for legal claims. Additionally, if you’ve objected to processing and an assessment is being made regarding The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic’s legitimate reasons for processing your data, you can request a restriction. For more information or to exercise this right, please refer to section 18.

Right to Object to Processing:

You can object to the processing of your personal data at any time, especially when it is used for purposes that align with The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic’s legitimate interests, such as providing therapy materials, facilitating bookings, or for analytical purposes. Detailed contact information for these requests is available in section 18.

You also have the right to oppose the use of your personal data for direct marketing. You can exercise this right by opting out through the unsubscribe link found in the marketing communications from The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic.

Right to File a Complaint

If you have concerns about a breach of privacy, you are encouraged to reach out to The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic. You can submit your complaint either by mail to The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic,  or via email at Upon receiving your complaint, we will send an acknowledgment within five business days. We aim to resolve your issue promptly, ideally within one month from the date of the complaint. If the resolution process takes longer than one month, we will inform you and provide the necessary explanations.

Should you remain dissatisfied with the resolution of your complaint or our handling of it, you have the option to escalate your complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office, located at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Additional Information

Links to External Sites and Third-Party Services

The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic’s websites and applications may include links to external websites, plug-ins, and services, such as social media login options. Should you decide to engage with these external sites, plug-ins, or services, be aware that your information may be shared with these third-party entities. The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic does not hold responsibility for the content, practices, or privacy policies of these external sites and services. The handling of your personal data by these third parties will be governed by their respective privacy policies, not by our Privacy Policy. We strongly recommend that you review the privacy and security policies of these external parties for your own protection and understanding.

Updating Our Privacy Policy

The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic reserves the right to amend or revise this Privacy Policy as needed. This may occur in response to changes in our products and services, updates in laws, regulations, industry practices, or based on customer feedback. It is advisable to review this policy periodically for any updates or changes. The date of the most recent update is always indicated at the top of the policy document.

Should there be significant changes to the policy, we will inform you either through a posted notice on our website or via direct notification.

Contact Information

For any inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy or how your personal data is processed, please reach out to us at:

The Sleep Help Clinic,

Alternatively, you can email us at

Changes to our Privacy Policy

The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic may modify or update this Privacy Policy when necessary to reflect changes in our products and services, changes in applicable legislation, regulations or practice and to address customer feedback. Accordingly, please review it periodically. Date of the latest update is always provided on the top of the document.

If there are material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you either by posting a notice or by sending you a notification.

Contact details

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data, please contact us at:

The Sleep Help Psychology Clinic, 2 Eaton Gate, London SW1W 9BJ

Alternatively please send an e-mail enquiries@theSleep